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Christian Resources

These are a few resources that have had greatly impacted me on my journey with Christ. It’s not an exhaustive list, but they are works that have ministered to me and speak to critical heart issues of our faith in Christ. More will follow as God leads.

Some of the books are marked Foundational. It is best to read these first as they are good resources to help build the foundation of your faith. I wish I had read them early on in my faith! They are powerful, thought-provoking and meaningful resources that will assist you, wherever you are, in your journey to wholeness and freedom in Christ.

If you choose to read these works, offer yourself to God and allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart. It will be profound and life-changing if you do.


The Bible by God(B)asic (I)nstructions (B)efore (L)eaving (E)arth – The Authoritative Source for Life, Humanity, Love and Beyond

God is the author of all creation including man and woman, and the authoritative source on living this Earthly life. Read the Bible asking God to reveal His truths and principles to you. No other book or spoken message is sufficient, much less “alive” at all times. If you don’t begin with the Bible you do so at your own peril of being misled, intentional or not, or even deceived.

The Normal Christian Life by Watchman NeeFoundational

God ministered to me in a supernatural way during the time I was reading this book. If you have been a Christian for some time, pray for an open heart before you read and be prepare to listen to what is described as the normal Christian life.

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers – Foundational

In the midst of darkness and pain I would go outside every morning and sit in the warmth of the sun and read this devotional. I was hoping I could find what I was missing, why I was such a wretched man. Satan made sure I knew this. I can’t say I had an epiphany due to these devotions, but I believed (more hoped) in my seeking I would find the God that seemingly had forsaken me. I loved these devotions even though they were difficult for me. It was medicine I knew I needed even though I wasn’t miraculously healed. In retrospect, I know that filling my mind and heart with the truth of God was never wasted. Oswald Chambers helped me.

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis – Foundational

C.S. Lewis was given profound insight into the spiritual battle and an equal giftedness in writing about it. God is not the author of confusion, and Lewis is able to write to us in ways that strip away the enemy’s lies and attempts to confuse Christianity. He also eloquently rebukes our judgemental behaviors and helps us to see God is truly in control.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis – Foundational

Wormwood, a demon apprentice, must secure the damnation of a young man who’s just become a Christian. He seeks the advice of an experienced devil, his uncle Screwtape. Their correspondence offers invaluable—and often humorous—insights on temptation, pride, and the ultimate victory of faith over evil forces.

Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall – Foundational

If you want to live in freedom, forgiveness is a necessity. You may know in your heart you’ve not completely forgiven someone. Or, you may not realize you haven’t completely forgiven (you’re carrying a Spiritually Transmitted Deception). Maybe you’ve not received forgiveness or forgiven yourself? This is one of the major struggles in the Christian walk. Unforgiveness destroys freedom, joy and wholeness. Read Total Forgiveness — for your sake and the sake of the Kingdom.

Telling Yourself The Truth, Telling Each Other The Truth by William Backus – Foundational

These well-written and biblically-based books will guide you through the lies and misbeliefs that keep you in bondage. The author offers biblical principles of dealing with anxiety, fear, anger, depression and co-dependency that will help you battle lies, help you own your thoughts and emotions and lead you into greater freedom. These are handbooks you will likely refer back to periodically.

True Freedom by Dr. Verle Bell – Foundational

An excellent book on our freedom in Christ. The book’s subtitle is “Moving away from the bondage of your past life”. Dr. Bell methodically moves the reader, chapter building on chapter, from God’s matchless grace to dealing with pride and stewarding our thoughts, the difference between humility and humiliation and finally a good chapter on gratitude. It’s an old book and out of print, but I found copies on the Internet for as little as forty-five cents! If you can find it, buy it.

Shattered Dreams by Dr. Larry Crabb

Dr. Crabb writes about the abundant life in Christ in a way that is powerful and lovingly convicting. In this world we will have shattered dreams. Unfortunately, much of Christian theology has been hijacked by “American Christianity” and isn’t truthful about the gospel Jesus taught. Dr. Crabb’s insight into the differences between joy and happiness and pain being a doorway, not a road block, are spiritually discerned, honest and humanly beautiful.

In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

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